Hi Connie here with a home decor piece, using the Family Word Board by Clear Scraps. The design is gorgeous and so easy to decorate to fit your style.
1. Cover the back chipboard with old newsprint using Fast Finish Decoupage by Beacon.
2. Let dry.
3. Sand edges of cardboard with sanding block, to remove any over hang of newsprint.
4. Leaving the plastic cover ON the acrylic, lay the acrylic (Family Frame) on the covered newsprint and use it like a stencil. I used a flat sponge type applicator and black acrylic paint to shade in the word FAMILY and the ovals.
5. When the paint is dry, remove the plastic covering on both sides and you will have a clean, sharp line on the word and ovals.
6. You are ready to decorate each oval or add photograps.
7. I framed the complete project, treating the acrylic word frame as if it were glass. Perfect fit in a 11 x 16 frame. I speckled the frame with white paint for a snow effect.
Another great new product from Clear Scraps! Check out the "What's New" page to see all the new products from Clear Scraps!
Thanks for stopping by~
Connie Mercer