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September 23, 2011


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Count me in!!! Can't wait to get started!!!

Courtney Villari

OHHH YAYYYY!! thank you thank you..this is an awesome prize...off to plot my next clear scraps project!!!!

Dawnll from Dawn's Craft Place

Love it!!!

Adora (CS DT)

how exciting! can't wait to see all the entries!!!


What a fun contest!!
Love all the new products!!

Becky T

woohoo. Can't wait to get started

Larissa Heskett

Yeah!! I can't wait to create!!
I LOVE CLEAR SCRAPS and I can't wait to create a FABULOUSLY CLEAR project!! =)

Is there a limit to the entries that we submit??
I have two different ideas and thought I would create them both??


I'm gonna go for it!

Courtney Villari

where do we send our entries??? I have mine done but can't find where to submit??!

Courtney Villari

Sent in my project!! so very excited for the chance to win...Thank you Clear Scraps for making awesome products!

Diane Flatt

I've submitted my entry. My 1st entry like this. Thanks for this opportunity! It was alot of fun.

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